X-mas Calendar day 23

The next to last door on our X-mas Calendar is upon us. We thought we would go all in and give you an extra chonky one today. 

Meet Jon!

He is the founder and lead game designer here at Ion Game Design, and he is going to tell a bit about how he spends his Christmases. Enjoy!

My child Erna is amazingly creative and productive when it comes to different kinds of crafts. This time creating 2 swords and a shield and gave me as a Christmas gift. Of course they had to be tested instantly.

I teach game design a few occasions per year at Södertörn University. Sometimes I get invited to student's social activities, such as here, on a Christmas party, where I enrolled in the Guitar Hero competition and went on to win 1st prize! An inflatable guitar :)

My standard role at Christmas is to read all the rhymes on the Christmas gifts, as well as the names and hand them out. If there are no rhyme I normally invent one on the spot, without knowing the content of the parcel.

Christmas is a great time for playing games. Not only board games. Here I'm playing Rock Band 3, one of my favourite digital games, with a little help, on a Paul McCartney replica Rock Band guitar.

Candle creation during Christmas, with my family, my sister and mother seen in the image. I have to admit, this is not my strongest ability. But it was fun to try it out.

Tomorrow is Christmas! Join us for the last post. May your night be peaceful, and don't forget to put out milk and cookies (or whiskey and pizza, depending on Santas' preferences) by the chimney. 

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